CEPM Newsletter 28
Farm-to-Fork: Without an impact assessment, the celebration had to be postponed! Editorial: In the EU, an ambiguous border between the political and the technical One is reminded of Max Weber’s work on “the scientist and the politician”. The politician provides the overall vision, the ‘scientist’ (the experts) refines the technical details. With the generalisation of… Read more »
CEPM Newsletter 27
Rotation at the plot level, a cascade of negative effects The number of “false good ideas” in Brussels is definitely increasing. After “Taxonomy”, which stigmatises agriculture by describing it as unsustainable, the obligation of plot rotation in the CAP is another example of the disconnect between the Community’s circles and the agronomic and economic reality…. Read more »
CEPM Newsletter 26
Taxonomy and agriculture, the latest bureaucratic madness This issue, which has its origins in the Paris Climate Agreement, had gone under the radar because it gave the impression of a theoretical exercise with no real link to the concrete. The general idea of the Taxonomy is to reserve investments and therefore financing for products in… Read more »
CEPM Newsletter 25
Green Deal and low carbon farming The European Union’s objective of carbon neutrality in 2050 is not realistic without general mobilization. Recalling that agriculture and forests are, along with the oceans, the only carbon sinks on our planet Earth, the Commission, in its “Farm to Fork” strategy, plans to involve farmers and foresters in carbon… Read more »